Hi! I am an Assistant Professor at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland. My research explores the psycholinguistic aspects of bi- and multilingualism, with a particular focus on language acquisition and processing. Currently, I am investigating how bilingual children and adult L2/L3 learners acquire and process morphosyntactic features such as gender, case, and number.
My recent publications:
Długosz, K., Kołaczek, N. & Przybył, J. (2024). Is there a multilingual advantage in gender agreement processing? Evidence from self-paced reading. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. Online First. Open access here.
Długosz, K. & Olszewska, A. (2024). The gender congruency effect in sentence context depends on gender transparency and L2 proficiency: A self-paced reading study with Polish-German bilinguals. International Journal of Bilingualism. Online first. Open access here.
Długosz, K. (2023). Processing gender agreement in an additional language: The more languages the better?
Second Language Research, 39(4), 997-1026. Open access here.